High-output writing programme

Are you stuck trying to write?

Or are you highly productive?

By adopting some simple yet powerful techniques, you can dramatically increase your research output.

The high-output writing programme is based on studies of research productivity. It’s relevant to all researchers, at any stage in your career.

Sample comments from participants

"I love the high-output programme: it allows me to subject my work to the criticism of my peers. Not only has this encouraged me to develop a thick skin, but it has also helped me improve my work immeasurably. I’m getting better every week!"

"The high-output programme has been a lifeline."

"Joining the writing group has helped me plan and improve my writing. I have written so much this year that I can hardly keep up with the editing! I never knew that'd be possible."

"I practise every day - as much as possible - and every day I feel more confident and know I am improving."

More information

This is the only programme of its kind in Australia. It is available to academics and research students. It has been running since 2008.

To get started, read "Hop plan" (below) and follow the guidelines for writing. After you've written on a few days, contact Brian Martin (bmartin@uow.edu.au) and attend the next regular meeting, held 11.30-12.30 every Wednesday of the year. Other participants will give you feedback on how you're going and how you can improve.

Since the pandemic, our meetings have been held online and are open to participants from outside Wollongong and outside Australia.

For advice, you can also talk to current participants, including academics Olga Kuchinskaya and Erin Twyford, recent PhD graduate Anneleis Humphries and postgrad Julia LeMonde.


Hop plan: detailed guidance on getting started

Template: one way to record the number of new words you write each day and the number of minutes you spend writing them

"Writing": a chapter describing the writing programme, from the book Doing Good Things Better

Brendan Riddick, "Writing a PhD thesis in 10 minutes per day": one participant's personal story

"Learning: how to do it better": ideas from the book How We Learn and their relevance to the writing programme, 18 May 2015

"Learning how to write better: a commentary for members of the high-output writing programme," 26 June 2018

"Write, write, write": commentary on writing advice from Robert Boice, Tara Gray and Joli Jensen, 5 September 2018

Writing regularly as a thesis-completion strategy: using the writing programme when supervising PhD students, 2019

"A program for writing": experiences with the writing program at the University of Wollongong, 2020

"The voice in your head": dealing with negative self-talk, 2 August 2021


Writing: how to be more productive without procrastination or bingeing, 19 July 2020. Brian Martin tells about the writing programme and responds to questions.

Writing: how to be more productive without procrastination or bingeing (part two), 22 August 2020. A panel of participants in the writing programme responds to questions.

Go to Brian Martin's home page

Last Modified 5 March 2024, Brian Martin bmartin@uow.edu.au