Suppression Stories: purchase of printed copies

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All donations, royalties and surplus over costs go to the Fund for Intellectual Dissent.

To purchase copies, post (snail mail) the following information to:
Fund for Intellectual Dissent,
PO Box U129,
Wollongong NSW 2500,


I wish to purchase _______ copies of Suppression Stories.

A$20 per copy
A$12 per copy (low income earner)

This covers surface mail postage anywhere. Allow 6-12 weeks for delivery outside Australia.

Make cheques in Australian dollars payable to Fund for Intellectual Dissent.


Option for using US currency
Cost, US$15/US$9
Airmail surcharge, US$5
Make checks in US dollars payable to Brian Martin.

Option for using UK currency
Cost, £8/£5
Airmail surcharge, £3
Make cheques in British pounds payable to Brian Martin.

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