Brian Martin: website hits 2007 and total citations

To compare the social impact and scholarly recognition of my publications, I collected figures for website hits in 2007 and citations from the date of publication through May 2008. Books are listed separately because totals include hits on separate chapters. Hits on graphics files are omitted.

Hit figures are for my website only, at the location indicated by the link. Not included are hits for papers in online journals and hits for copies of publications at other locations, such as the University of Wollongong's Research Online.

The implications of these figures are discussed in "Scholarly recognition or social impact: not both?", Campus Review, 24 April 2007.


Top articles according to website hits in 2007

#1, "Defamation law and free speech" [leaflet] (1996), 34,383 hits

#2, "The global health effects of nuclear war" (1982), 11,644 hits

#3, "Plagiarism: a misplaced emphasis" (1994), 9422 hits

#4, "Scientific fraud and the power structure of science" (1992), 8782 hits

#5, "Squatting for the prevention of haemorrhoids" (1996), with Christine Dimmer, Noeline Reeves and Frances Sutherland, 8615 hits

#6, "Against intellectual property" (1995), 7219 hits

#7, "Scientific knowledge, controversy, and public decision-making" [book chapter] (1995), with Evelleen Richards, 6256 hits

#8, "Ten reasons to oppose all Olympic games" (1996), 5816 hits

#9, "Whistleblowing and nonviolence" (1999), 5672 hits

#10, "Gene Sharp's theory of power" (1989), 4816 hits

#11, "The social construction of drug debates" (1996), with David Dingelstad, Richard Gosden and Nickolas Vakas, 4596 hits

#12, "Strengthening communication in groups" (1998), with Schweik Action Wollongong, 4444 hits

#13, "The legacy of the Pentagon papers" [book review] (2003), 4435 hits

#14, "Critique of nuclear extinction" (1982), 4388 hits

#15, "Democracy without elections" (1995), 4170 hits

Top books according to website hits in 2007

These figures include hits on separate chapters.

#1, Information Liberation (1998), 62,000 hits

#2, Technology for Nonviolent Struggle (2001), 27,000 hits

#3, Nonviolence versus Capitalism (2001), 26,000 hits

#4, Suppression Stories (1997), 25,000 hits

#5, Uprooting War (1990), 24,000 hits

#6, Tied Knowledge: Power in Higher Education (1998), 17,000 hits

#7, Social Defence, Social Change (1993), 16,000 hits

#8, The Bias of Science (1979), 12,000 hits

Top articles according to total citations (all years) as given by the ISI Web of Knowledge, May 2008.

#1, "Captives of controversy" (1990), with Pam Scott and Evelleen Richards, 35 citations

#2, "The critique of science becomes academic" (1993), 23 citations

#3, "Analyzing the fluoridation controversy" (1988), 17 citations

#4, "The arguments about RSI" (1988), with Gabriele Bammer, 14 citations

#5, "Repetition strain injury in Australia" (1992), with Gabriele Bammer, 13 citations

#6, "Science studies and activism" (2002), with Ned Woodhouse, David Hess and Steve Breyman, 12 citations

##7-8, "Who's a captive? Who's a victim?" (1991), with Evelleen Richards and Pam Scott, 11 citations

##7-8, "The sociology of the fluoridation controversy" (1989), 11 citations

#9, "Sticking a needle into science" (1996), 10 citations

#10, "The selective usefulness of game theory" (1978), 9 citations

#11, "The social construction of drug debates" (1996), with David Dingelstad, Richard Gosden and Nickolas Vakas, 8 citations

#12, "Peer review and the origin of AIDS" (1993), 6 citations

##13-14, "Gene Sharp's theory of power" (1989), 5 citations

##13-14, "Bias in awarding research grants" (1986), 5 citations

Note: this list includes only social science publications. Citations to scientific publications - from the 1970s and 1980s - are greater, with 248 citations to the top-cited paper.

Top books according to total citations (all years) as given by the ISI Web of Knowledge, May 2008.

#1, Scientific Knowledge in Controversy (1991), 33 citations

#2, The Bias of Science (1979), 20 citations

#3, Intellectual Suppression (1986), edited with C. M. Ann Baker, Clyde Manwell and Cedric Pugh, 19 citations

#4, Confronting the Experts (1996), edited, 9 citations

#5, Random Selection in Politics (1999), with Lyn Carson, 8 citations

#6, Social Defence, Social Change (1993), 5 citations

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