Brian Martin: publications on wind power and electricity grids

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Mark Diesendorf and Brian Martin. Optimal generation planning for electricity grids containing wind farms. Proceedings of the Solar World Congress, Perth 1983, Vol. 4, Pergamon Press, pp. 2323-2329 (1984).

Brian Martin and John Carlin. Wind-load correlation and estimates of the capacity credit of wind power: an empirical investigation. Wind Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 79-84 (1983).

Brian Martin and Mark Diesendorf. The economics of large-scale wind power in the UK: a model of an optimally mixed CEGB electricity grid. Energy Policy, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 259-266 (September 1983).

Brian Martin. Nuclear power and the Western Australia electricity grid. Search, Vol. 13, No. 5-6, pp. 132-136 (June-July 1982).

B. Martin and M. Diesendorf. Optimal thermal mix in electricity grids containing wind power. Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 155-161 (July 1982).

M. Diesendorf, B. Martin and J. Carlin. The economic value of wind power in electricity grids. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Wind Energy, BHRA Fluid Engineering, Cranfield, Bedford, England, pp. 127-132 (August 1981).

Mark Diesendorf and Brian Martin. Integration of wind power into Australian electricity grids without storage: a computer simulation. Wind Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 211-226 (1980).

B. Martin and M. Diesendorf. The capacity credit of wind power: a numerical model. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Wind Energy Systems, BHRA Fluid Engineering, Cranfield, Bedford, England, pp. 555-564 (26-29 August 1980). A revised version appeared as: Calculating the capacity credit of wind power. Simulation Society of Australia, Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Conference, University of Queensland, pp. 36-42 (27-29 August 1980).

Mark Diesendorf and B. Martin. Large scale wind power for Western Australia. In: Solar Realities in Western Australia in the 1980's, Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Western Australia, November 1 and 2, 1979 (Perth: International Solar Energy Society, Australia and New Zealand Section, Western Australian Branch, 1979), pp. 47-52.